Thursday, 24 August 2017

Importance Of Girls' Education In India

Girls Education is one of the most required things for the real development of our country and society .As we all know that children in their childhood learn, most of the things from their mother because they spend most of their time with her. She tells them about the right and wrong. When we think the same thing in another way then we will also get that only a well educated woman can take care of herself and her child if she will face any type of difficulty from her husband and she can also take the right action if she will face any distress from bad elements of the society.
The time has gone when many people thought that it was not necessary to educate girls. Women are trying to compete with men in all spheres of life these days. Girls have already proved their worth in all walks of life and there is no reason why a girl should not get the same kind of education as a boy. Education helps girls control how many kids they have and increasing girls’ participation in school over time reduces fertility rates. Reduced child & maternal deaths, improved child health, and lower fertility.

Importance of girls Education
The progress of every country depends on girls’ education. Thus, girls’ education must be encouraged. There is plenty of benefits of girls’ education. For example- Grown up educated girls can play a vital role in the development of their country. Also, she can share the burden of her man in the different walk of life. They will be able to serve the society as educators, teachers, writers, lawyers, doctors, politicians, scientists and so on when they are well-educated and not forced to marry during childhood. Besides, they can work in any field and at banks, government offices large businesses and hospitals.
Education decreases a girl’s risk of contracting HIV or transmitting HIV to her baby. Education boosts girl’s earning power and increasing girls’ education has positive effects on her infant and child health. Do you know for every extra year a girl stays in school; her income can increase by 10 to 15%. Apart from this, increasing girls’ access to education improves her maternal health as well.
Girls’ education is essential for making the homes a happy and relaxed place. Also, a man’s life blossom, if he is blessed with well-educated women as mother and wife. Educated girls can brighten the future of any country by the good upbringing of their kids. Education provides a girl freedom of thought and broadens her outlook and makes her aware of her responsibilities and duties.

Education empowers a grown up girl to become independent and she will be able to stand up for her rights.

Mr. Harsh Vardhan Tyagi

Monday, 21 August 2017


In our busy day of juggling papers, lesson planning and managing sometimes more than a hundred students, we can easily forget the group that could lend significant support to our various works as teachers -- parents and families of students. Parents and teachers play an integral role in the life of a student. A teacher grooms the student by developing logical and conceptual knowledge and parents help to implement that knowledge by constant check at home.
A student’s problem can be well understood and solved, if parents and teachers are working in cooperative atmosphere. Teachers and parents both are equally responsible for dealing with psychological and academic issues. Any abnormal behaviour of the student should be noticed and shared between the two in time so that necessary actions can be taken for the betterment of a student. The Mann school understands the importance of nurturing a student in such a friendly atmosphere where a student feels free to discuss with teachers any problem whether related to academics or behavioural ones.
Recognition of a problem solves half of the problem itself. Once the problem get identified, it can easily be resolved by proper attention and care paid by teachers and parents. It not only motivates the students to share their problems, but also brings a satisfactory and easy solution for them. Being teachers we should not forget that the responsibility to change young ones into responsible citizens is ours only and it can be easily managed if we are supportive to the parents and parents have trust on teachers.

Mr. Harsh Vardhan Tyagi

Wednesday, 16 August 2017


In the school we, the teachers, are prepare students to lead their lives in various ways whether it is personal life, social life or professional life. In today’s world, where competition is at its peak, it is important for a student to learn this skill as well.

Though certain people may seem to have that zeal that inspires others to follow their lead, the ingredients of true leadership aren’t really a mystery. Many people have researched and studied the qualities that leaders possess, and they have observed many common factors among leaders.

If your students are aspiring to take on a management or leadership role in an institution or organization, or if they simply wish to have more influence in their circles of friends and classmates, encourage them to begin building the characteristics of a leader right now.

Here’s a quick summary of the traits of a leader:

· Self confidence: A leader, who is self-assured, without being bombastic or overbearing, instills self-confidence in team members”. Your self-confidence and calm demeanor can help others feel more certain that they, too, can overcome hurdles and achieve a challenging goal.
·   Humility: When you’re willing to share credit with others, and also willing to admit that you’re not perfect, others see that and appreciate it and are more likely to follow you.
· Core self-evaluations: Research shows that four related self-perceptions relate to effective leadership: “self-esteem, locus of control [that is, taking responsibility for what happens in your life], self-efficacy, and emotional stability”.
· Trustworthiness: People trust you when your attitudes, words, and motives align with what you actually choose to do. This includes being honest about mistakes, refusing to gossip and shift blame, and doing things the ethical way.
· Authenticity: Be yourself, and act in line with your core values and personality. People will notice if you’re trying to be someone other than who you really are.
· Extroversion: Most leaders maintain an outgoing demeanor, show an interest in people, and gladly participate in group or team activities.
·  Assertiveness: Be up front about your needs, concerns, and opinions. However, don’t forget to be tactful!
· Enthusiasm, optimism, and warmth: Staying positive, being approachable, and expressing positive thoughts and feelings through both verbal and nonverbal communication help you build rapport with those around you.
· Sense of humor: Your ability to make people laugh can help others feel comfortable and relieve tense situations. 
·  Passion: Leaders show an extremely strong commitment to and enthusiasm about their work.
· Emotional intelligence: A solid leader exhibits empathy towards others, has a good understanding of emotions of both others’ and their own – and recognizes that their own mood can have an effect on the entire organization’s performance. 
· Flexibility and adaptability: A leader can bring about change… so it follows that he or she must also be ready and willing to adjust to different settings and situations.
· Courage: Willingness to take risks on new ideas may put you “out there” for criticism and blame… but it also carries the reward of bringing new ideas to fruition. 
Through awareness of what it takes to be a leader, you can begin building habits that lead to increased effectiveness in the task in hand.

Mr. Harsh Vardhan Tyagi

Friday, 4 August 2017


“There are two everlasting bequests, we as torchbearers, playing the role of a teacher or a parent can give to our children. They are strengthening roots and spreading wings.” When I talk of the roots, I actually think and believe in giving our children more than the surviving skills. I mean providing them a deep and strong foundation of security and stability to excel in various spheres of life ahead.  While the depth would decide their stability in life, the height to which they can soar in this limitless sky, depends significantly on their wings; wings connoting here the appreciation, laughter,  freedom and their ignited creative minds.

As a tree with strong deep roots laughs at storms, similarly when a child nurtured with the sense of self and with a strong value system, his roots will also go deep down and firmly entwine with his traditions and culture, making him face any challenge and hardship in life with a smile on his face and courage in his deeds.

It is well said that we must give our loved ones wings to fly and the roots to come back. Here wings intercede for the recognition of the need for autonomy. The gift of wings to a child can be given by giving them opportunities to become capable and feel valued. It can also be rendered to them by alluring them liberty to take decisions for their life. But, liberty and freedom is not just about being able to do what they want when they want, it is also about being able to think, act and feel without being plagued by negative self-talk, doubts and uncertainty.

As wings give the children a vision to their aim in life, roots remind them to be grounded. Being a teacher our role is limitless. We are an incomparable support to the children in making them acquainted to their potential, by inculcating in them the sense of being committed, loyal, honest, dedicated, generous, kind and humble and above all, a human. We are those radars which can track and surveil their fly time to time. We are the guiding force who should not only bless them with the wings, but also usher them into the direction as well.

We as teachers, must understand that our role is paramount. We are the professional gatekeepers and we have to face challenges immensely. We must test the students not only on the parameters of technology but also on the effective value system so that they can wisely comprehend difference between the terms ‘not to be used and ‘to be utilised’ in respect of advancement in science and technology.

We must make our children competent enough so that they can analyse and introspect themselves critically and can choose the best for themselves, thereby living up to their potential in numerous capacities and not being misguided. We should not forget that by making their roots deep strong and by allowing them to spread their wings, we are actually preparing them for the roads they have to step on in future.

For this, we must remember that we need to interact with them time to time, because every interaction with them provides an opportunity to strengthen our bond with them, making their roots strong and their wings widespread.

Mr. Harsh Vardhan Tyagi

Thursday, 3 August 2017


Someone has truly said that the student life is the golden period of life. During this period, we are free from responsibilities and we have a mind, which like soft clay, can be easily moulded. The students of today are the future of the tomorrow. Therefore, in order to have a brighter future, good training in the student life is of utmost importance.

But, nevertheless, the pleasure of student life is par-excellence. It is during this period when they, under the luminous guidance of teachers, develop physical, mental and social knowledge. It is during this period that they gain ideas and develop their character and give a new shape to their personality. They develop qualities like punctuality, diligence, regularity and good manners. School life also teaches them perseverance, which is the key to success in their lives. They learn and understand the value of time. Games and physical exercise help to foster in them the spirit of sportsmanship and teamwork. In this way, all round development of one’s character takes place in this stage of life.

No doubt, pleasures of student life are manifold, but it is fruitful only when one is devoted to studies and listens to his parents and teachers. To students school is like a temple and teachers are like gods from whom they receive the valuable gift of knowledge which guides them throughout their lives.

Mr. Harsh Vardhan Tyagi